Recent posts:
dupfs - the duplication filesystem
a simpe FUSE filesytem the duplicates writes
submitted to Linux with tags: linux filesystem fuse python
EOFS Open Filesystem Workshop 2025
Summary of interesting topic about opensource destributed filesystems in 2025
submitted to Misc with tags: hpc linux filesystem conference
Creating bootable images for physical machines
How to prepare a fully bootable Linux image instead of using an OS installer
Vintage Telephone Home Network
Using old rotary dial phones for internal communication at home
My first eBPF tool: bioslow
A python tool I wrote which uses eBPF to log slow I/O operations
TCP connection routing with IPtables
Howto use IPtables to redirect upcoming connection to another application
Loadbalancing TCP connections in the Linux kernel
About the network socket option SO_REUSEPORT
Linux Block I/O debugging
An overview how to trace down disk I/O bottlenecks in Linux
Lustre Administration & Development workshop 2023
submitted to Misc with tags: linux lustre filesystem conference bordeaux opensource
Routing a specific port though wireguard VPN
Using policy based routing in Linux to choose network routes by destination port
submitted to Linux with tags: linux network routing firewall
Remove passwords from Git repository
Short overview of how to remove sensitive data from git histories with bfg
Toronto ||
submitted to Furnishing with tags: ccc toronto bluetooth wood speaker furniture
Mikrotik router as Wireguard VPN gateway
How to configure a IPv4/IPv6 VPN gateway with Mikrotik CLI
submitted to Misc with tags: mikrotik wireguard routing ipv6 nat njalla
Ansible Role: Proxmox VM Setup
A Ansible role to automatically create VMs on a running Proxmox server
submitted to Linux with tags: linux proxmox vm ansible storage
Cosmic Cable Ltd.
About the technical background of my beloved telephone company
MaKe Operating System Image
Adjustable notebook stand made of wood
A desktop stand for laptops made from wood and cork
submitted to Furnishing with tags: wood office light hardware
Sharing filesystems with virtiofs between multiple VMs
Howto manually start virtiofs daemon and use it with QEMU VMs
submitted to Linux with tags: linux proxmox virtiofs filesystems Qemu
Ubuntu created with debootstrap not recieving updates
Short explanation why Ubuntu systems created with debootstrap don't contain all package repos
submitted to Linux with tags: linux ubuntu debootstrap debian apt updates
Reinitialize pacmans package database
Recover installed ArchLinux packages from logfile
Everything standardized, nothing works!
A voyage through SATA power management
submitted to Hardware with tags: sata linux homeserver backplane sas
Booting Ubuntu 20.04 live via http
Howto load and boot a casper created iso file via http
submitted to Linux with tags: linux pxe casper syslinux bootloader http ubuntu
Shiet Protection
Howto remove password "secured" write protection from .xlsx files
Search and destroy corrupt pages in Postgres databases
Howto recover an unfixable corrupt database by zapping out the bad pages
Building Arch Linux packages under Ubuntu
A short collection of commands to setup a Arch Linux build chroot
submitted to Linux with tags: Arch Linux Ubuntu bootstrap container chroot
A frankensteinered IKEA desk lamp with an air filter with barometer as socket
submitted to Furnishing with tags: lamp light barometer desktop
Lichtverschmutzer Enterprise Edition
A desk lamp with a 1W 12V LED and an air filter with barometer as socket
submitted to Furnishing with tags: lamp light barometer desktop
DNS Resolution on Laptops
Howto setup generic local DNS resolution working in different networkenvironments
A desk lamp made from an old alternator and an industrial shade
submitted to Furnishing with tags: light hardware
Host and container name resolution with LLMNR
Short howto about using LLMNR and libNSS to resolved local container names
submitted to Linux with tags: systemd nspawn llmnr libnss nss dns linux
A short review over OpenSource topics I found perticularily interesting on FOSDEM 2020
submitted to Misc with tags: conference opensource
Installing Ubuntu 18.04 from Archlinux on APU Board
Howto install an Ubuntu 18.04 from an Archlinux livesystem on an APU2c4 board.
submitted to Linux with tags: software selfhosted
Simple Mailserver Setup
Howto setup a (relatively) simple mailserver with nextcloud integration
Hyperconverged Garden
submitted to Furnishing with tags: style plants
Dell Latitude 2nd HDD slot
Quick and dirty solution to add an additional 2.5" HDD to a Dell Latitude E4300
Setup of my homeserver with an APU Board, Coreboot, BTRFS, Archlinux and Zeroconf
A self written bash tool to jail applications into OpenVPN only namepaaces
HP Micro Flowerpot
Using an HP Microserver for what its best for
submitted to Furnishing with tags: style hardware plants
Notifications under i3
Howto use simple graphical notifications with i3 windowmanager
Simple Wireless Setup
Basic setup for managing wifi connection on linux with systemd-networkd and wpa_supplicant
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